Virgo Season
From August 22 to September 22, the Sun will occupy the 30° of space of the Virgo constellation. During this season, Mercury (Virgo's ruling planet) and the Moon will also transit, i.e. move through, the sign.
There are other planetary orbits occurring. I won't cover them all here, but I will describe something very useful. Before I do it is important to inner-stand that astrology is about the Self.
We conduct this self-exploration via over-standing the signs, houses, and planets. In layman's terms, these three categories (signs, houses, and planets) really describe how energy interacts with itself and in what form it manifests into. In fact, you could even go so far as to say, that the planets even relate to the chakra system.
That's for another article, but this idea connects our inner world with our outer world.
For example, my sun sign is a Virgo. This means my "light", my conscious actions, the things I am aware of, and how I choose to act is described through the lens of the astrological sign of Virgo.
By studying traits and characteristics of the sign I find out more about myself.
I can also relate situations, circumstances, and events with celestial interaction in the sky. How? Well, I'm going to explain that right now.
What is a Trine?
In astrology, there is a concept known as aspects. Aspects describe the relationship that planets have with one another. Before, in my email, I used: Moon trine Venus. This formula essentially describes the Moon's position relative to the planet, Venus. So when I say trine; what I am really saying is: the Moon is 120° apart from Venus
What this means is very important in over-standing astrology. The entire zodiac is a circle of signs--360° total--with 30° of space for each sign. 12 x 30 = 360. This is why things are referred to using degrees in astrology. By orienting this way the astrologer, amateur and professional alike, can know just where in space they and the planets are.
In a way, the zodiac wheel is a map of the heavens, and according to the ancient Hermetic principle: "as above, so below"'; a map of ourselves. Since astrology is simply the study of the planetary configurations, by learning of the skies, we can learn about ourselves.
Take this as an example:
*You can check current planetary transits at:*
In this example, the querent's Sun sign is Virgo and, the ruling planet of Virgo, is Mercury. Both the Sun and Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo on September 8. Normally, this means plenty of awesome things, but these are not the only transits occurring. If you travel the zodiac wheel counter-clockwise for about four signs you arrive at Capricorn.
Along with Virgo; Capricorn and Taurus makeup the Earth Trigon; the trio of signs that represent the Earth element in the zodiac. As you can see there is plenty of activity in Capricorn this month. Three planets have transited the sign: Mars, Pluto and Saturn. Each of these bodies carries a different energy signature and therefore interact with Capricorn in a different way.
The reason this is worth mentioning is due to the position of the other two Earth signs: Taurus and Virgo. Besides the aforementioned bodies located in Virgo, the remaining Earth signs are each four signs apart from Capricorn.
That's right. The Earth Trigon is forming what is called a Grand Trine.
A Grand Trine is very much like an ordinary trine. It is still considered a beneficial relationship between the planets involved. A trine points to synergy; so when a trine occurs the energies of the planet can play out positively. During a Grand Trine, there are three planets (or signs with planets) that align in a perfect equilateral triangle.
These moments of harmony yield useful energies to the beneficiaries of the involved signs. These people can be those with strong Earth presence in their chart, someone whose sun/moon/rising sign is of the Earth quality, or someone is aware of universal principles. Luckily, Kyra, since you're on my newsletter that makes you all three.
In the case of this Grand Trine that would place you as the recipient of powerful forces. You may have noticed an upsurge in your personal energy levels. At times you may have had so much energy you didn't know what to do with it. Your body may have tired out yet your mind was wind awake. Your ability to complete tasks and persevere has likely seen an improvement. This is especially true in earthly, material pursuits like: job-seeking, architecture, gardening, or even art such as sculpting.
Alternatively, your energy levels may have dipped at certain times. One minute you'd be spry and excitable and the next you're fatigued and lethargic. These symptoms are all common when a Grand Trine aspects integral planets in your horoscope.
In my, "Divine Timing" article I go into more detail about how the planets will be working together during this Virgo Season. Particularly, I will be focusing on the planets making transits through the three Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)/
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