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Grand Earth Trine, Pt. 2

Happy Virgo Season! Have you been productive? I know I have and if you aren't it's probably because you're not aware of what's going on.

If that's true, check back to my most recent article: Grand Earth Trine Pt. 1

Just a quick recap of what's going on in the stars.


*Credits to Planet Watcher:

Direct and Retrograde

Now that you know what aspects are; I can delve into two very import aspects in astrology. The retrograde and direct. Of these two the retrograde gets the worst rap. On and on I've heard astrologers damn and condemn a retrograde. 

I don't really understand all the fuss. All a retrograde is—meaning all it amounts to—is the motion of a planet based off perception. Whose perception you may ask? Well, the people of Earth, of course. 
For us a planet in retrograde is a planet appearing to move backwards. It's not really doing this nor is it reversing in anyway physically. 

Joanna Woolfolk describes the phenomena as a "looking through the window of a moving train at a second train traveling alongside it but moving more slowly". Woolfolk's example explains that the second train would appear to be moving backwards yet it's not; it's still moving forward.

 Planets in our solar system do not move backwards. The illusion is caused by our position here on Earth. 

For awhile now —several planets have gone retrograde—gone direct and remained somewhat stationery—all year.

The primary planets involved are: Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, and Pluto.

Now Mercury, Mars, Saturn (and Pluto soon) all went direct. This means that, energies that may have played out contrary to your desires, are now more balanced and natural. There is less resistance and lessons can be learned in a smoother manner. All of this is relative to a retrograde where things may appear to require more effort to complete. 

Uranus joined the retrograde phase on August 7—joining Venus, Neptune and Pluto, which will go direct on September 30th. 

The Present

Alright, so now you have a basic understanding of aspects, retrogrades and trines. It's time to combine all this knowledge into over-standing the situation currently. Right now there is something called a Grand Trine occurring. A Grand Trine happens when three planets are all in trine versus two plants.

The ones involved in this trine are: Saturn, Uranus, and Mercury. They are all 120 apart from one another and form an equilateral triangle as a result. While a trine denotes harmony, ease and balance a Grand Trine is like a really supped up version of that. A Grand Trine signifies enormous creativity or energy, and usually indicates that the native will be blessed with luck or success, says Woolfolk.

Since we are in a Grand Earth Trine that means all those with a prominent Earth element in their chart are influenced. This means Sun/Moon/Rising signs that are either Capricorn or Taurus or Virgo have access to powerful energies now.

If you don't know your birth chart email me or, alternatively, follow this link: There you can get a free birth chart done.

The Planets


You're probably wondering what any of this has to do with anything. I mean learning about a trine or an angle is cool, but what does it actually mean? Well, I'll explain that now. First, I'll begin with Mercury. 

Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo so I thought it appropriate to start here. As our ruling planet (I'm a Virgo, too!) it has enormous influence on our moods, emotions and temperaments. Not only that, but generally speaking, Mercury governs thought, communication, travel, and even medicine. This fast-moving planet, grants the very same speed to whatever arena of your life, it is affecting at the time.

Since the planet is in the sign of its rulership (it's kingdom so to speak) that means its powers have the most freedom to express itself. In effect. Virgoans (as well as other Earth signs) experience:

  • Increased mental focus and concentration
  • Increased ability to plan and execute 
  • Increased levels of energy 
Taking the time to study an interesting subject would be time well-spent now as well as developing business partnerships and dealings. You'll notice that yours and perhaps others ability to communicate have been noticeably amplified. This is especially true since Mercury went direct on August 19th and it's "retrograde shade" period ends on September 10th. 

Mercury is a heavily intellectual planet; (Mercury rules both the Virgo and Gemini constellations); this makes matters of that nature readily absorbed, maintained, and resolved by natives. You may find your mind abuzz with ideas and the ability to explain them to others. Issues that presented a blockage before may suddenly yield to your piercing mind. There is a greater level of clarity granted to the beneficiaries of this Grand Earth Trine. 


Ol' Grandaddy Saturn. I say this for several reasons.
  1.  The ancient Greeks personified Saturn with the titan Kronos also known as Father Time.
  2. In terms of mythology, Saturn was the father of Zeus (the literal daddy of daddies).
  3. Saturn itself is associated with long-term development and the Greeks often worshiped it to receive a good harvest.*
*In Earth astrology, Virgo Season is under the influence of the Harvest Moon.

Traditionally, Saturn represents persistence, hard work and consistency. In our lives Saturn can bring moments that seem harsh. Imagine a taciturn father-figure who is very firm, but fair with his children. If you can hold that mental picture in your mind then you can imagine Saturn's role in our solar system. You will then realize that Saturn's influence is less arbitrary and more karmic.

The lessons that Saturn puts us through are meant for us to recognize our own strength. They call for us to break old paradigms and reach deep within to discover our true selves. Saturn teaches us how to stand on our own two feet through thorough planning and action. 

Most importantly, it reminds us that nothing worth having ever comes free or easy for that matter. When the planet was in retrograde you may have noticed situations in your life appearing cyclic. Old baggage that we haven't cleared up may have appeared; this could have been emotionally or physically. These were obstacles pertaining to areas of our personality that lacked full development. In retrograde, this was our time to think about these opportunities and what they were meant to show us needed to be changed. 

Saturn went direct (exited retrograde) on September 6, so the intensity of these issues should lighten considerably. Regardless, Saturn rules Capricorn, that means its sphere of influence is being freely expressed at this time. 

In the present time, Saturn trines Mercury. This aspect grants success to long-term ventures if persistence has, or is, applied. There will still be an emphasis on actually sticking with a chosen path. Constant wavering and indecision will dilute and complicate Saturn's energy. 

Virgo is Mutable while Capricorn is Cardinal. These qualities mean that, in order to best capitalize on these energies, an individual must be willing to change their routines and establish new ones in the name of success. This happens in the material world meaning the change will be physical in nature. 


I personally call Uranus, "The Rebellious One", for a couple of reasons. A lot of those reasons have to do with Uranus' orbit. Unlike the other planets, Uranus orbits in almost a perfect circle, the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east, and it practically lies on its side as it rotates. Not only that, but Uranus rotates on its axis in a direction contrary to the other planets in the solar system. 

In addition, in an energetic sense, Uranus represents change and innovation. When it was initially discovered Uranus was almost forgotten—twice . One cannot prevent divine providence, however, and Uranus continues to teach us about being unique and be-you-tiful.

It's energies stimulate sudden events and opportunities. Those under its influence may change jobs like they change socks; it's real stuff. I myself can attest to the frequency of job change (though not career change) that Uranus propagates.

Saturn is trine with Uranus right now. This can manifest as a transitional period appearing in our lives. We may be changing jobs, moving locations or even experiencing a break-up. The possibilities are endless. 

Over-standing this trine is less about remembering lists of actual events and more about inner-standing how energy works. You see, Uranus represents the pure fluidity of life. 

We are energy. 

This means that Uranus appears in our life taking certain forms and images. Uranus is in Taurus and the pairing is extra potent. The duo promote:
  • Willfulness and determination
  • Success through patient and concentrated effort
  • Planning leading to financial luck
The best way to harmonize with Uranus is to quite simply embrace change. This change doesn't have to be radical or hugely transformative (at least not at first); in fact, it's best to start small; I mean, really small. 

Like rolling out on the left side versus the right side of the bed. 

This will invite change into your life by showing you're open to doing things differently. This is all contingent on you working with change and not against it. Fighting the power of Uranus can lead to feeling uncomfortable or anxious or nervous. 

If you experience these thing regularly, it is best to examine your life and figure out what small thing you can alter. In order to take advantage of the Grand Earth Trine you could:

  1. Write down or affirm your intent to change. (Mercury and Uranus)
  2. Determine a course of action. (Mercury, Uranus and Saturn)
  3. Stick with that action long-term. (Mercury, Uranus and Saturn)
This is how we use the planets energies in our day-to-day lives. It's important to over-stand on a higher level; in order to implement on a lower level these concepts and ideas. Whatever our course of action; it's best to stick with it for the long haul. 

—Peace and Love


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